Saturday, April 01, 2006

Wave #3 part 2: An open letter to my ex-wife...

Hello, my dear.

And how is your garden growing today?

Mental Gymnastics - Installment #1 : Ya know, its funny. I normally use phrases like "sweet thang" and "my dear" in a semi-flip way that is intended to be casual, fun, and imply a certain amount of friendly affection. However, in certain cases, (as with one's ex-wife) these words can take on a more ominous significance.

Is "my dear" intended as flip? Friendly? Or could it be implying more? Maybe its Freudian? Or maybe these words are simply a throwback to an earlier time? Blah blah blah. The interpretations are endless.

In the end, however, I think its better to just be yourself and let the chips fall where they may. Sometimes a banana is just a banana. Anyway...

Regarding our chance meeting, I can't express how pleasant it was to see you:

You were both gracious and lovely (and I don't want to sound too corny, here, but the years have truly been kind). And... it wasn't the torturuous event I'd somehow anticipated!

So... yeah, I figured we'd bump into each other sooner or later upon my return. (In fact, a friend just reminded me that I'd dreamed about you with a baby while I was still in NY - weird, hunh?) But I'd always anticipated this with a certain amount of trepidation....

It wasn't too many years ago I was in Rochester, MN, driving down the road and, suddenly, I saw you, driving in the opposite direction. Of course, it wasn't you, and I realized this moments later, but the physical sensation I'd experienced in the meantime was all too real. However...

Time passes. The world whips around the sun a few thousand times, and then...

Then, just a few weeks ago, we bump into each other and... things have changed. It was so good to see you, and, what's more, the feeling seemed mutual. You even asked me out to lunch in the spur of the moment:

K: So now that we've finally bumped into each other, we should do lunch sometime.

A: Lunch?

K: Sure, we could catch up on everything.

A: Umm, sure. Okay.


So now there's this whole lunch thing looming in the air...


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Before extensive commentary on the ex, does she have the blog address and might actually read said commentary?

  2. Anonymous10:18 PM


    It's just lunch...

    Grow a pair...

    GO TO LUNCH WITH THE's safe, it's public, it's part of your life...

    Hell, she may even buy... pick someplace nice...

  3. 2 comments:

    1. Yes, the X has this blog address.

    2. I will grow a pair if you will... okay, no, seriously - I'll take that under advisement.

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Has the person who commented that it is safe actually met said X? It's a slippery slope, my friend.

  5. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Did lunch happen?

    Who asked who?

    Where'd ya go?

    Was it yummy?

    Did you sneak off to a romantic spot and re-kindle lost passions?

    Were there any tofu or soy products involved? (in the lunch, that is)

  6. Anonymous6:31 PM


    You're slacking on the blog. I'm bored. Get with it.

  7. Anonymous9:19 AM


  8. Umm, okay, this particular blog is starting to become cumbersome, but let me respond to few things:

    1. While I appreciate a good diehard romantic, no we did not sneak off and "rekindle lost passions" or whatever it was. This would not be the purpose of lunch. (Though, to be honest, I'm not sure what the purpose would be).

    2. My dear, there's no great dilemma. I blog, to express myself, yes, but also to amuse. I apologize if I've offended. Perhaps I should've kept this private. Honestly, though, I'm not sure what the underlying purpose of lunch would be. No, I'm not suggesting diabolical motives. Its just that... well, reunions always seem so contrived. You try to reconcile your self-image with someone else's dated version of you (and vice versa) and well, eh.

    I'm not against lunch as a concept. I'm just not sure what "catching up" entails. Maybe we should catch up via email, and what not, and then see if we really want to hang out.

    3. Get over yourself, Mr. "Getting bored with it."

    -and finally-

    4. "Damn"?

  9. Anonymous8:56 PM

    This is a current picture of she.
    I think the baby belongs to one of our friends from college.
    Apparently everyone has a blog!
