Okay, well... there's the whole we're-gonna-live-together... no-we're-not... yes-we-are... no-we're-not thing.
But that's not totally unexpected:

Question: How do Porcupines make love?And so it goes. More on this situation as it develops.
Answer: Very carefully.
Also, news flash, I recently went to the Doctor's (the holistic Doctor, that is) for a check up. They took fluids of various and sundry sorts and I, well, I was pretty damn chill, even if I do say so myself.
Now, let me point out what an unlikely occurance this really is - since I was a wee lad, I've been deathly afraid of anything medical! To this day, the smell of rubbing alcohol sends my heart racing. Really.
So imagine my surprise when I found myself, not only not freaking out, but actually calm and relaxed. At the risk of sounding touchey-feeley, I felt as if if the good folks at Southwestern College of Naturopathic Medicine were actually listening, and communicating -and- were ready to help - not just pounce on me and do something to me.
Oh, sure, I got a DRE (if you've never had one, you simply don't know what you're missing!) and was stuck with needles, but, it was a fairly pleasant experience.
Wierd, hunh?
Don't move in. Like the girl, know the guy...Spend more time getting to know the guy.
ReplyDelete6 months into this, I'll create an identity. I'm screwed -- he picked the mommy,daddy, and baby porcupines over the porcupines 'effin' doggie style.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing is I didn't notice the baby 'pine til after publishing - just picked a hi res image for the blog.
ReplyDeleteMaybe someone (I won't say who, but her first initial could be "M") needs to look de-e-e-e-p inside herself to examine the real issues at hand... : )
Remember, Jesus, Slacker and I really, really love you!
what is this, 'myspace'? christ!!