Friday, May 29, 2009


Celine Dion does a song - I don't know the name - but you've heard it.

It's the one from that iceberg movie with Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio?


At work yesterday, the song came on and Sully, my bald-headed co-worker, started doing a bird-like little dance.

"Sully?" I asked, with eyebrow arched.

Whereupon, he shuffled over from across the room and in Yoda-like voice, decreed:


Then, abruptly shuffling back, he stopped and in the same voice, announced:


And walked out.*

*Turns out the song reminded him of an old Sesame Street skit, "near and far."


  1. Ah, the things Sesame Street does to you. I often find myself counting onetwothreeFOURfive,sixseveneightnineten eleven TWE-E-E-ELVE. Call me sometime, I'll sing it for ya. Oh, and you know you have that Celine album and can sing every word of it.

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    this made me laugh hysterically. xo sis
