Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Man in the Black Coat Turns.

Its 4:30 am.

The dog next door barked a few times so I went out to sit on the porch, smoke a cigarette and observe.

Thought I heard tires on gravel, like a car being pushed along the road, but when I walked out into the yard, nothing.

I did see a pregnant woman walking, two blocks down. That and some slow moving scallop-shaped clouds backlit by the moon.

Now I'm sitting here staring at the computer.

I could go on, but why?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Had you gone on, mightn't you have entertained the thought that the dog barks had only semi-awakened you from a dream inwhich your former truck was telling you in gravelly tones that the pregnant woman was really Bobby Bly; and that he, having grown weary of toting the watermelon beneath his black coat, was stealing your purple pickup puck!
    P.S. Bummer dude
