Sunday, July 19, 2009

I was staring at the ceiling earlier this evening, which I do sometimes.

I lie on the floor and focus on the light in the ceiling fan, a still point amidst the swirling blades.

Sometimes I meditate, doing pranayama breaths like a wave, from belly to chest and back again, but more often I just let my mind wander.

I was doing this, half meditating, half dozing, when I saw the face of Jesus* in the fire sprinkler, which I had never done before**.

His face was very gaunt, with a patchy, almost spikey looking beard and he had on a white headset. He wasn't looking at me but off into the distance.

With the headset, he looked kinda like one of those product demonstrators you see in the Mall or on TV. Like the Sham Wow guy.

Come to think of it, that guy died recently.


*Or maybe it was Don Quixote, but I'm pretty sure it was Jesus.
**Yes, I seriously saw the face of Jesus in the fire sprinkler - the anglicized version anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    The dishwasher very clearly says "beelzebub" during the wash cycle. Is the beige condo the battleground of good and evil? Have JC and B.Bub converted to Shinto and taken up residence? Maybe the dishwasher just wants you to call your dad?

    Headphones -- WWJDL? What would jesus download? And would he pay? word verif is cultrad.
