Saturday, May 13, 2006

Strange Days Indeed...

Sitting at home now - around 8 o'clock on a Saturday night - listening to Whitey Ford and waiting for the call from Longhair. Me, him and MJ are supposed to meet after dinner to do the town. Swingin' single stuff.

Okay, I'm not exactly single, but then I'm not married, either. Just let me keep my illusions for now, okay?
Anyway, I just got off the phone with M, who I've been spending quite a bit of time with lately. More on that in a bit. In the meantime...

As we were talking I was scrolling through my email and was disturbed to find one of my teachers had passed away - John Peck of the American Academy in Los Angeles - a true gentleman and excellent vocal teacher. I didn't know him all that well but true teachers are rare and he was a good one. Peace to you, Mr. Peck, wherever you are now.

So, yeah, I apologize for my lack of activity on the blog but I've been gone the last few weekends (my best time to write) and then I had some technical problems with the site. Anywho...

Update: Crazy Naked Man is back on the scene. I am of course referring to M's neighbor, J, who took a naked stroll 'round the neighborhood and was carted off for his troubles.

Supposedly, he was committed, but we couldn't help but notice his recent presence again at the apartment complex. That and a highlighted bible passage left on M's doorstep. So we got that goin' for us. Which is nice.

I'd go into greater detail but I think I'll wait until the situation is better resolved. In the meantime, you may want to call ahead before just "stopping by". Word to your mother.

So yeah, Cinco de Chicago was quite nice. Got to see the Fam, hang with the Kid (my sister), the Kid II (her daughter - oh, and did I mention I am an uncle? Yes I am! Strange days indeed), D.O.D. (a.k.a. Dear Old Dad) and "Mommy" (dad's pet name for his girlfriend of 25 years).

No this is not a sitcom.

And, yes, "Mommy" sounds kinda creepy. But, it's supposed to be done for humorous effect, and, as with other of D.O.D.'s eccentricities, we just smile and nod.

Smoked and drank way too much, but when in Rome, right? Also got to see an art opening by one of Dad's coworkers, Al*

* I should mention the hardware store Dad manages is somewhat atypical. They seem to hire more than their fair shair of musicians, artists, punks or anyone ever-so-slightly out of the norm. Picture the guys working for John Cusack in High Fidelity, only they work in a hardware store. Blah blah blah.

Al, for instance, is a soft-spoken, slightly neurotic, and very talented artist. (Although, now that I think of it, neurosis and Art are pretty much inclusive). His show included several different wood block prints done in the japanese style - on kites no less - and one piece included several little card-sized kites, all in rows and columns, with a cicadas imprinted on each. This looked really cool but must've been a bitch to hang with all of the little kite strings trailing behind, looking like a comet's tail .

There was also a nice three-tone piece done of his significant other, E (whom he should not marry unless he is completely without any doubts! Any whatsover! Ahem. Moving right along...).

There's plenty more to say about the Fam, but its about time to head out for tonight.

Until later, dudes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:58 PM

    lets hear more about the fam.
