(slight pause)
Okay, that person was me, but it was part of a conversation I had with myself.
Reminds me of the time I was on a blind date - we'd gone to my favorite Mexican place in Rochester, Minnesota - and she was talking about listening to the voice inside your head. I said, "I know exactly what you mean, that voice that comes
from the inner core of your being," and she said, "no, a voice from on high telling me to stop cleaning the toilet and get out of the house."
Turns out she was part of a kind of private christian fundamentalist group (some might say "cult" but I prefer not to judge) in a life of what was pretty much indentured servitude. That was until she heard the voice. Whatever works right?But I digress.
So in keeping with an attempt to remain interesting/interested, I am going to write one of these little blog doohickeys each and every day for the next, oh, let's say 5 days. We'll see if that forms some kind of new pattern.
And I am quitting smoking.
Incidentally, the gratuitous image above has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, but it is striking, and, well it has a Magritte quality that I find highly alluring.
Speaking of "gratuitous", I should also mention that I found this picture while surfing photo blog sites and have cleverly misplaced the URL for same. Should anyone recognize this image or know of its origination, by all mean, please inform me, so's I kin reckignize!
(C'mon party people, say, "oop, oop!")
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
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