Saturday, January 07, 2006


Okay, so I have this natural distrust of anything authoritative. Anybody with power over me is someone to be watched.

War is Peace.

That's what democracy is all about, right? You get to question leadership and leadership decisions, especially when the ol' propaganda machine cranks up and we are force fed a bunch of jingoist bullshit. Ahem. (Or should it be "Amen?")

"War is Peace." I think that one came from 1984. Whereby the masses get hoodwinked into - well, just read the book and you can draw the parallels between that conception and our reality. That and Brave New World. Anyway...

People to be watched out for include:

Elected Officials
Rich People
Any Large Organization, but especially:

  • Banks
  • Insurance Companies
  • The DMV

(Okay, I don't know if the DMV really belongs with the other two, but let's face it, everyone likes to bitch about the DMV, so why not?)

So why am I distrustful of these people and/or organizations (DMV notwithstanding)?

Because they wield power. Very real power over my life. For instance, if a cop pulls decides to screw me over, he or she can do that.

(to be continued)

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